Thursday, May 14, 2009

Express Times Endorses John Stoffa!

Great news here in the Stoffa camp! The Express Times has just endorsed John Stoffa for reelection as Northampton County Executive. Noting that the choice is "as clear and compelling as it ever has been," the editors recommend Stoffa.

"We hope Democrats will take the time to measure the performances of the candidates and see in this case that the status quo -- Stoffa -- is the argument against complacency and against a return to the laissez-faire, party-run management style that dominated the county administration before him.

"Stoffa says he wants a second term to map out what the county needs, looking at where it will be in 2030 and 2050. Taxpayers are fortunate to have someone looking ahead, but also to deal with the day-to-day headaches of running a large bureaucracy with equanimity, bipartisanship and some backbone.

"That's Stoffa."

This is a shot in the arm that will drive us in the final days. My thanks to The Express Times for their very kind words.

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